Saturday, August 07, 2004

tiolets, classes, and more

The latrine's water pressure is not strong enough for toilet paper, one must place it in a trash can. However, i first began flushing it. i assumed there would be a sign informing me otherwise. but it's as unspoken a rule as putting a sign on your house reading "don't steal from me."

Hanguel is everywhere. Of course it would be, but when you can't read it effieciently it becomes arduous. moreover, daunting. in dint of it's phonetic consistency, you can always read the language, you just cant always understand it. you realize how many words are in a language. and you gape at those who know 3 or more here.

im in a korean language course just above the beginning level taught by a very goofy woman . she only uses korean. everyone in the class, interestingly enough (given historical animosity, is japanese (except for myself and a frech student). thankfully the french student knows some english, so if either of us dont understand we can ask one another for clarification. the dialogue is not always clearified though. nevertheless, i enjoy the classes very much, am learning canyons full, and have an unending desire to speak korean well - i have 5 months time.

more bits later


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